Gesenius - This Site Under Construction


The search engine form is working again, however it doesn't want to deal with numbers, whether its page numbers or Strong's Gesenius numbers - - but word searches are working correctly!

Last update: March 26, 2025

A site that has a complete Gesenius online is here at Tyndale Archive

Just added:

The word "hate" from Page 1013

Hey 257 | Smite, breakup, scattered, stroke, come hither, hammer, ham, mallet, Zuzim, wealth, riches, paranomasia, they, them, hum, hummel, summen, growl, snarl, sighing, moaning, noise making

Hey words - page 256 | Flow, ravager, to walk, way, journey, wayferrer, traveller, way tax, toll, flow like honey, clear sharp sound, bright, candle shine, boast, ellell, boasters, proud, foolish, praise, celebrate, sing unto Jehovah, renowned, diviners, boast to glory, feign mad or madness, Hillel, to beat, to strike

Hey 254 and 255

Hey 253 | Further, forward, onward, rejoicign, thanksgiving, going, steps, ways, caravans, companies, camest, ships going, passing through


Page 966

Page 252 - Palace, temple, wail, lament, light-giving, radiant, heman, hin, stupify, stun, regarding, respect, thither, afar off, stand off

Page 251 - To become, to pass, to be done, beathe, blow, fall, ruin, calamity, how, edifice, palace, large building, temple. A discussion of "HAYAH" ends on this page, it began on page 249

Page 250 - To become

Page 249 - Dreams, wailing, lamentation, she, shout, battle-shout, choirs, to come to pass, to begin, established, arisen

Page 248

Page 247

Page 246

Page 242, page 244, and page 245

Page 482


Page 240 and 241

Grace - "to find favour"

Bow down, incline

Page 328 and Page 329

Grace, favour, compassion, Hannah

Older entries from 2022:

The word King [Melech] in four forms

The pages Page 574 and Page 575

Page 967, Page 968 and Page 969

The word Breath

The page 238 and page 239

The word Ruth from page 972

The word Chaldeans from Page 493 and Page 494

The word Shema from Page 1086 and Page 1087

The word Qarib

The word Kippor

The word Eve [i.e., Havah "breath" the first woman] from pages 298 and 299

The word Slave, Servant from pages 739, 740, and 741

Page 232 through 235

The word Jehovah (The primary Name of God)

The word Cherubim, Cherub

The word David (translated usually as "beloved" and is the name of a King of Israel)

The word tow'ebah / to-ay-baw (translated usually as "abomination")

The word Nacham (usually translated as "repenteth" and other derivatives).

The word Redemption

Gesenius Title Page

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