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Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament.
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Elohim - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
The word Elohim - plural for of God, i.e., Gods.
Hey 0257 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Smite, breakup, scattered, stroke, come hither, hammer, ham, mallet, Zuzim, wealth, riches, paranomasia, they, them, hum, hummel, summen, growl, snarl, sighing, moaning, noise making
Hey 0256 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Flow, ravager, to walk, way, journey, wayferrer, traveller, way tax, toll, flow like honey, clear sharp sound, bright, candle shine, boast, ellell, boasters, proud, foolish, praise, celebrate, sing unto Jehovah, renowned, diviners, boast to glory, feign mad or madness, Hillel, to beat, to strike
Hey 0254 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Go into, enter, accompany, company, to walk uprightly, away, depart, perish, going
Hey 0255 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Going, growing, drawing, vanish, lead, to walk, to cause to go
Hey 0253 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Lexicon words
Satiated - 7301, 7302 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
drink to the full, to be sated with drink
Hey 0252 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Palace, temple, wail, lament, light-giving, radiant, heman, hin, stupify, stun, regarding, respect, thither, afar off, stand off
Hey 0251 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To become, to pass, to be done, beathe, blow, fall, ruin, calamity, how, edifice, palace, large building, temple
Hey 0249 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Dreams, wailing, lamentation, she, shout, battle-shout, choirs, to come to pass, to begin, established, arisen
Hey 0250 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To be
Hey 0248 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Grief, to go, to talk, walk. motion, commotion. noise, riches. wealth, to be light, substance, enough, mountain, Hor, Hoshama, Oshea, Hoshea, Hosea, Hoshaiah, to dream
Hey 0247 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Splendour, majesty, Hod, Hodaviah, Hodeiah, Hodijah, to be, exist, breathing, breath, desire, strive, rush headlong, to fall, seeing, sawest, will be, may be, desire, cupidity, fall, ruin, mischief, injury, wickedness, mischievous, calamity, Hoham
Hey 0246 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Jehovah our King, that place, God is my judge, swell, breast, strength
Hey 0243 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Separated, taken away, drive-off-impel, muttering, meditation, suitable, commodious, convenient, flee, Hagar, Hagri, flight, Hejrah, Bahrein, echo, shout of joy, rejoicing, counsellors, counselors, leaders, governors, to break, Hadad
Hey 0244 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Hadadezer, Hadad-rimmon, throw, stretch, hidhus, sidhus, Hadoram, tread, trample, trodden, membrum, member, stool, footstool, hasten, myrtle, Hadassah, swell, swollen, tumid
Hey 0245 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ornament, swelling, honor, honour, dedication, splendour, adornment, grief, wo, alas, he, she, this
Silver - 3701 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Silver - so called from paleness of color. Shekels.
Hey 0240 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Objects, classes, Job
Daleth 0241 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Lo, behold, aha, joy, gifts, offerings, breathe, vain, seduce to vanity, breathing
Grace - 2580 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Grace, favour, kindness - to find favour in the eyes of anyone
Bow Down - 2583 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To bend, to bow down, to incline, to set oneself down
Grace, favour, compassion, Hannah - 2584 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Grace, favour, compassion, Hannah
Melech - 4427, 4428, 4429, 4430 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To reign as king, king of Israel, a great King, Sultan, descended from kings, Chief, Leader, King of Kings, King of Heaven
Breath - 7307 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Breath, Breathing, blowing, nostrils, breeze, wind, soul, spirit, mind, side, quarter, vain, vanity, anima, vital spirit, feeling, acting, firmness of mind
Hey 0238 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Tender grass, skilled, Dothan, Dothain, Dathan, hey, this
Hey 0239 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Objects, classes, species, quick
Chaldeans - 3778 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Chaldeans - inhabitants of Chaldea or Babylonia - Ezekiel 23
Shema - 8085 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Shema - to hear, to obey
Qarib - 7138 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Strongs 7138 - near, nigh, spoken - a place, time to come
Kippor - 3725 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Kippor - to cover over, to overlay
Eve - 2332 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Life - Hence the first woman, Eve - Havvah
Slave, Servant - 5650 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Slave and servant
Daleth 0232 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Break, crushed, made fine, stamp, thrust-through, slain witgh sword, pearl, age, generation, repulse, aversion, abhorrence, sharp, pointed, goads, goad
Daleth 0235 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Way, sinful way, manner, daric, bow of Darius, Damascus, the arm, strew, scatter, drill, twirl, whirl, fly in circles, glance, sparkle, radiate, flow out, rub, stamp, tread
Jehovah - 3068-3069 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Primary name of the Israeli God
Cherubim, Cherub 3742 | - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Cherubim and/or Cherub.
David - 1732 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
David, pr. n. of the son of Jesse, and the second king of the Israelis
Towebah - 8441 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
The word Towebah - abomination, abominable.
Nacham - 5162 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
The word Nacham - to be sorry, to console oneself, to sigh.
Redemption - 1353 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Redemption, relationship, kindred.
Alef 0001 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Gesenius Lexicon Alef Words.
Alef Words 1
Index of Hebrew to English Alef words 1
Alef Words 2
Index of Hebrew to English Alef words 2
Alef Words 3
Index of Hebrew to English Alef words 3
Beth Words 1
Index of Hebrew to English Bet words 1
Beth Words 2
Index of Hebrew to English Beth words 2
Beth Words 3
Index of Hebrew to English Bet words 3
Beth Words 4
Index of Hebrew to English Bet words 4
Daleth Words 1
Index of Hebrew to English Daleth words 1
Hey Words 1
Index of Hebrew to English Hey words 1
Dross - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ruth - 7327 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ruth - female friend, female among the ancestry of David
News Archive - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
List of past activities on the Gesenius site
Alef 0054 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
behold, a god, if, deities, idol-god
Hey 0258 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Lexicon words
Hey 0242 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Vain, empty, fruitess, to cut up, divide. Hege, Hegai, murmer, mutter, growl, meditate, heat, set on fire
Silver - 3702 | Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Silver - used in Daniel 2:35
Daleth 0237 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Sprout, spring, shoots, herbage, tender, greenness, fat, cleanse from ashes, fatness, fertility, mandate, law, statute
Daleth 0233 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Advance, go on, Darda, thorny, caltrop, thistle, south, south-wind, swallow, spontaneous flow, letting go, free, liberty, Darius, tread, trample
Daleth 0231 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
knowing, knowledge, call, go out, quenched, extinguished, extinct, to fear, intelligence, wisdon, thrust, stumbling-block, beat, knock, Dophkah, beaten, minute, small dust, slender, thin, lank, withered, fineness, Diklah
Daleth 0236 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Tread, go to, come, search, seek, ask, demand, require, grant access
Daleth 0234 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Tread, bent, walk,way, perverse double way, journey, way, path, towards, a way, walks
Daleth 0216 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Astonished, struck dumb, circle movement, swiftly, revolve, to pine, languish, consume, fish, fisherman, fishing, fishery, boil, moved, agitated, love, caresses, endearment, beloved, friend, boiler, pot, basket, House of David, aunt, Dodo
Beth 0171 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ransomed, redeemed, defiled, polluted, contaminated, soil, stain, pollution, defilement, redemption, relationship, kindred, back, boss, buckler, bouclier, bulwark, ploughers, buckler, rim, eyebrow, vaulter, top part, board, cistern
Alef 0001 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Alef, Forefather, Ancestor, intimate relationship, master teacher
Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament.
Alef 0003 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Father, Fruit, Abagtha, Wander, to be Lost, to destroy, ready perish, greenness, green
Alef 0004 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Perish, Wretched, a thing Lost, Destruction, Poverty, Stall, want, stable
Alef 0005 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
turning Sword, Abiasaph, Abigail, Melons, Father-of-Strength, Abiel, Abidah, Abijah, Abidan , Father who is Jehovah , Father Exultation
Alef 0006 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
God-is-father, Abihud, Abihail, Needy, Poor, Desire, Lust, Father-of-Might, Abitub, Abital, Abimelech, Abinadab, Abinoam, Abiezer, Strong
Alef 0007 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Bullock, Abiram, Mourn, Moist, Abishag, Abishua, Abishur, Abishai, Abishalom, Abiather, Roll, ways of Zion, roll itself, perverse
Alef 0008 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Abel-Beth-Maachah, Abel-Shittim, Abel-Keramim, Abel-Mizraim, Lamentation, Truly, Indeed, Rock, weight balance, stone, ore, mourning, indeed, previous stone
Alef 0009 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Leaden-Weight, Stone, Belt, Abez, Ibzan, to Pound, girdle, dust, pustules, beat, Abner
Alef 0010 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Dust, Powder, Strive Upwards, Bow, Wing-Feather, Agagite, Abraham, Agee, Absolam, Agog, Agag, Absalom
Alef 0011 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Bind, Knot, Agur, Coin, Eglaim, Loathe, to Burn, Stagnant Water, Sad, Flow, tread, rope, reservoir, sorrow
Alef 0012 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Hosts, Armies, Collect, List, Epistle, Letter, Mist, Vapor, Adad, Adbeel, basin, bowl, laver, Adbeel, Adad
Alef 0013 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Iddo, Master, Lord, the Lord
Alef 0014 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Adoraim, thereupon, large, great, mighty, man, Adaliah, Red, Ruddy, Adam
Alef 0015 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Red, Ruddy, Edom, Earth, Adamah, Red-Haired, Admatha, Ruddy, Addan, Foundation
Alef 0016 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Bezek, Adonizedek, lord of altitude, threshing floor, to-be-large, Adramellech
Alef 0017 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Cloak, longing, lover
Alef 0018 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Tabernacle, tent, Oholibah, glitter, shine
Alef 0019 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Aaron, to return, botlle, soothsayer
Alef 0020 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Sorcerer, Burden, Weight, Dwelling
Alef 0021 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Howl, Uzal, pleasure, Merodach, to be foolish
Alef 0022 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To twist, mighty, vestibule
Alef 0023 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ulam, falsehood, Omer, strength
Alef 0024 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ono, Ophir, Uphaz, Onam
Alef 0025 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
A wheel, press on, hasten, press close, storehouse, face to shine
Alef 0026 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Light, Lights, Ur
Alef 0027 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Light, fiery, Urijah, sign, token
Alef 0028 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
then, girdle, hyssop, belt, to depart
Alef 0029 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
departure, furniture, implement, tool, Uzzen-Sherah, manacles
Alef 0030 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to gird, be strong, brother, native tree, friend, confederate, ally, Ezrahite
Alef 0031 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
faces, furnace, Ahab, a brother, howling
Alef 0032 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Marsh grass, Ehud, declaration, together, reed
Alef 0033 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
the West, relative, sister, kinswoman, spouse, to hold fast
Alef 0033 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to make fast, possessor, Ahzai, Ahaziah, Ahuzzath, riddle
Alef 0035 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ahiah, Ahitub, Ahinalab, Ahiram, wishing
Alef 0036 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
amethyst, Ahasbai, Ecbatana, extremity
Alef 0037 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
hinder parts, after, latter, Aharah, another, last
Alef 0038 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
backwards, satraps, Ahasuerus, mules, gentle sound
Alef 0039 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to shut, shut up, impeded, not there, where?
Alef 0040 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
habitable ground, howling, wailing, Ichabod, enmity, misfortune, Ajah
Alef 0041 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Job, stag, where, how, strength, mighty
Alef 0042 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Deerfield, Elon, trees, hind, strength, dread
Alef 0043 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Emim, no, not, nothing, nothingness, present, at hand, well-nigh
Alef 0044 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Where, Ephah, man, male, manly, vigour,
Alef 0045 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
one, another, each, everyone, Ishobosheth, Ishod, Little Man
Alef 0046 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
there is, Ithiel, firmness, Ethan, Ithamar only, but
Alef 0047 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to bind, falsehood, Achzib, violence, cruelty, Achish, devour
Alef 0048 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to taste, to be eaten, consumed, Ucal, food, firmly, to load, labour, dig
Alef 0049 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
digger, husbandman, Achshaph, angry, nothing, deprecating, strong, mighty
Alef 0050 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
power of my hand, the Almighty, mighty ones, heroes, God of gods, these
Alef 0051 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to or towards, motion, turning, reaching, against, entering
Alef 0052 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to or towards, motion, turning, reaching, against, entering
Alef 0053 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ela, ice, concretum, Eldaah, to call on God, to swear, an oath, strong tree, a god
Alef 0055 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
spirit, godlike, Elul, Allon, Elon, an oak
Alef 0056 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Familiar, intimate, Eliel, Eliathah, Elidad, fat tail, Elijah, Elihu, Elioenai, Eliahba, Eilihoreph
Alef 0057 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
nought, Eliasaph, Eliasaph, Elika, Elisheba, Elishah, Elizur
Alef 0058 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Elishaphat, these, to wail, to be bound, to be silent, Amulg Trees, mute
Alef 0059 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Morad, Alammelech, widow, palaces, Ellasar, Elad, Eladad, Eleazar, Elealeh, Eleasah, to join together, bring forth thousands
Alef 0060 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
ox, cow, a thousand, family, Eleph, urge, people, Elkanah, Elkoshite, Eltekon
Alef 0061 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
intimate relationship, metropolis, behold, of the earth
Alef 0062 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
whether, if, when
Alef 0063 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Nonne, not, handmaid, beginning, head, cubit, metropolis, foundation, terror, nation
Alef 0064 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Architect, builder, Amon, multitude, firmness, faithfulness, fidelity, Amoz, Ami, stron, might, top, summit, Amam, prop, stay, support
Alef 0065 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
supported, durable, to believe, certainty, artist, faithful, amen
Alef 0066 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Covenant, Amanah, verity, Amnon, truly, alert, restore, Amazia, to say
Alef 0067 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Said unto, to say in, to be said
Alef 0068 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Amanah, verity, Amnon, truly, alert, restore, Amazia, to say
Alef 0069 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Imri, Amariah, night, strong, mighty, firmness, Ammittai
Alef 0070 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Whither, where, hither, Heliopolis, sigh, groan, they,a man, wicked, a sighing
Alef 0071 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ship, fleet, navy, plumbline, sighing, mourning
Alef 0072 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Grieved, complain, urge, breathe, face, bird, neck, choke
Alef 0073 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Shriek, sick, ill, man, mankind, thou, Asa, hurt, flask, Collection, Assir, lay up
Alef 0074 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Storehouse, hoard, Asenath, scrape, gather, collect, collected,recieved
Alef 0075 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Asaph, assemblies, congregations, diligently, to bind, bond, prison
Alef 0076 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Prohibition, Esar-Haddon, Esther, wood, addition
Alef 0077 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Also, nedum, nose, anger, Appaim, Ephod, girding, bake, furnace, baked, ephah, here
Alef 0078 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Also, nedum, nose, anger, Appaim, Ephod, girding, bake, furnace, baked, ephah, here
Alef 0079 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To turn, cessation, ceae, nought, surround, contain
Alef 0080 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Aphek, Aphekah, ashes, covering, turban, young, Ephraim
Alef 0081 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ephraim, Ezra, Ephrathite, Bethlehem, to connect, join, deep rooted, finger, Ezbon
Alef 0082 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Azem, ankle-chain, Azaliah, a side, Ara, roe, gem, lay up, Areli, knot
Alef 0083 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
locust, plait, Arab, ambush, network, lace, dove-house, Aruboth, sluices, windows of heaven, Arba
Alef 0084 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Purple, reddish, chest, box, Ardon, to flee, lo, behold, pluck, ard, place, here
Alef 0085 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Arvad, Aradus, arodite, crib, manger, stall, cedar, bandage, healing, welfare, prosperity, Aruanah, Ark, collected, compact
Alef 0086 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to walk, decree, cedar, appoint, Arah, counsels, way of, lion of God, destiny
Alef 0087 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Hearth, altar, Arioch, live, prolonged, delay, pinions, Erech, Edessa, elongate
Alef 0088 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Length, Archevetis, knee, Archite, Aram, high, Padan, fortress, female apartment, Syria, Armoni, nimble, active
Alef 0089 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Aran, Wild Goat, pine, hare, Ornan, pit bottom, Arvad, Arphaxad, low, inferior, earth, land, country
Alef 0090 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Land, grain, Palestine, Arza, heathen-land, Ararat, curser, erect, built, betroth
Alef 0091 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Desire, longing, Artaxerxes, Asareel, Asriel, asrielite, fire kindled, destruction, flashing
Alef 0092 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
foundation, mingle, compute, Ashbel, Eshban, Eshbaal, Ashdod, support, heal, consumed by fire, sacrifice, offering, woman, female
Alef 0093 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Step-mother, harlot, widow, darkness, step, cedar, benches, Assyria, Persia, Syria, Asshurim
Alef 0094 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ashur, Ashima, foundation, cake, cakes, raisin-cakes, testicle, cluster, stem, stalk, Eshcol
Alef 0096 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ashkenaz, strike deep, transgress, bear guilt, to be punished, fault, blame, sacrifices for guilt
Alef 0096 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Fault, blame, trespassoffering, Ashnah, lattice, firm, incantation, magician, enchanter, quiver, Ashpenaz, assatura, dunghill
Alef 0097 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Dunghill, Ahkelon, Askelon, straight, erect, prosper, Asher, who, which, what, that
Alef 0098 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Where, wence, whom, that, because, if, when
Alef 0099 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Where, as, like, wheresoever, whiter, sense, because, happiness, Asherelah, Asherah
Alef 0100 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Image of or statue of Asherah, Astarte, goddess, wooden pillar, tree, Venus, wall, upright, cram, press, stamping or stamped
Alef 0101 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Eshtael, rebellion, womanish, uxorious, sign, portent, this, self, same, Ezekiel, the thing itself
Alef 0102 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Displease thee, nearness
Alef 0103 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
with, nearness to God, Ethbaal, to come close, bring, thou
Alef 0104 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
She-ass, furnace, thou, Ittai, increment, projection, gallery, Etham, yesterday, perpetuity, gift, reward, Ethni
Alef and Beth 0105 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Gift, harlot, place, where, Ethnan, Atharim, track, Beth
Beth 0106 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Among, in, after, in the manner of
Beth 0107 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
In, into, near, with
Beth 0108 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To, upon, respect to
Beth 0109 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Son, entrance, dig, well, fountain, beer
Beth 0110 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Beer-Lathai-Roi, Beersheba, Beera, Beerot, Beeri, stink, smell, stench, bad
Beth 0111 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Hollow, hole, gate, Babel, Babylon, Babylonia, cover, covertly, deceitful, deceitfully, faithless, treachery, oppress, pillage
Beth 0112 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Waster, spoiler, rapine, Bigtha, Bigthan, separation, separated, part, parts, vain, empty talk, boasting, liars, form, fashion, devise, to feign
Beth 0113 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Disjoin, divide, separate, babble, idle talk, separation, alloy, divide, discern, part, piece
Beth 0114 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Pearl, Bedan, breach, chink, Bidkar, sunder, scatter, elegance, clean, shining, haste, terrible, shake, trepidation, amazed, confounded, hasty, perish, destroyed
Beth 0115 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Tremble, quicken, terrify, shut, close, lion, cattle, cow, beast, behometh, hippopotamus, elephant
Beth 0116 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Eshtael, rebellion, womanish, uxorious, sign, portent, this, self, same, Ezekiel, the thing itself
Beth 0117 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Enter, come, to attack, fulfilled, to walk
Beth 0118 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Bring, lead upon, led, brought, despise, contemn, contempt, Buz, entangle, perplex, to increase, to be high
Beth 0119 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Bunah, tread upon, trodden, to be white, byssus, Bozez, empty, emptiness, desolation, devastation, pit, cistern
Beth 0120 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Prison, dungeon, grave, sepulchre, shame, ashamed, disappointed, confused, perplexed, troubled, delay, shameful, prey, spoil, booty
Beth 0121 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Rend, divide, despise, contemn, prey, plunder, booty, Bizjothjah, scatter, disperse, Biztha, assayer, watch-tower, tower
Beth 0122 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Chosen, elect, loathe, abhor, greedy, avaricious, try, test, to prove, proof, trial, approve
Beth 0123 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Choice, select, elect, excellent, selected, Bahurim, blaterare, blatherer, babble, babbler, trust, confide, confidant, secure, cook, ripen, security
Beth 0124 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Betah, trust, confidence, vacant, hollow, empty, belly, womb, protuberance, entreaty, prayer, pistachios, Beten
Beth 0125 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Separate, distinguish, mark, to know, acquainted, intelligent, discreet, knowing, understand, declare, attentive
Beth 0126 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Perceive, understanding, separation, between, amongst, from-the-womb, after-birth, interval
Beth 0127 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Egg, well, fortress, castle, palace, house, domus,dwelling, tabernacle, tent
Beth 0128 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Palace, capital, citadel, temple, habitation, within, house, household, good, substance
Beth 0129 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Beth-aven, beth-el, Bethel, Bethelite, Beth-arbel, Beth-birei, beth-bara, beth-gader, Beth-haram, Beth-hoglah
Beth 0130 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Beth-hanan, beth-horon, beth-jeshimoth, Beth-hakkerem, Bethlehem, Beth-Maachah, Beth-Marcaboth, Beth-Eden, Beth-azmaveth, Beth-anath
Beth 0131 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Beth-araba, Beth-pelet, Beth-peor, Beth-rehob, Beth-shean, Beth-shittah, Beth-shemesh, Beth-tappuah, palace, distil, weeping, lamentation, weeping
Beth 0132 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Weeping, firstling, first-born, chief, first-fruits, Bechorath, fig, mourning, lamentation, Bochim, cleave, burst, trickling
Beth 0133 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
First-fruits, virgin, Bechar, young camel, Becheru, Bichri, Not, last, heart, Bet, Belus, Belesys,Belibus, afflict, Bel, Baladan
Beth 0134 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Shine forth, cheerful, Bilgah, Bildad, tremble, trepidation, terrify, frighten, fall away, fail wholly, sorrow, calamity, decayed, terror, terrors, Bilhan, tribute
Beth 0135 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Rags, clothing, Belteshazzar, consumption, failure, without knowledge, because not, unprofitable, unprofitableness, worthlessness, bad, badness, wickedness, destruction
Beth 0136 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Belial, wicked man, pour together, mingle, confound, fade, wither, mix oneself, cultivate, bind together, swallow, devour, consume, destroy
Beth 0137 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Swallow, destroy, vanish, destruction, Bela, without, Balaam, Bileam, Balak, Belshazzar, empty out
Beth 0138 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Bilshan, nothing, without, not, besides, high place, stronghold, mountain
Beth 0139 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Sepulchral, tumulus, Bimhal, Bamoth, son, king's son, grandson
Beth 0137 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Boy, Bamoth, youth, vassal, subject, foster-son, time, condition, sons of God
Beth 0141 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ben, boy, son, Hadad, Ben-Zoheth, Ben-Hail, Ben-hanan, Beneberack, Sons of exile,built, erect
Beth 0142 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Build, built, rebuild, Binnui, daughter, Bani, Bunni, Benaiah, Benjamin
Beth 0143 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Benjamin, Beninu, building, Besodeiah, indignant, angry, Binea, sour, unripe, about, without, hedge, shield
Beth 0144 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Surrounded, amid, nearness, shut, behind, after, swell, boil
Beth 0145 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Tumor, swelling, seek, inquire, sought, Beor, Boaz, tread upon, kick, entreaty, prayer, cattle, beasts, lord, master, husband, disdain, reject, rejected
Beth 0146 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Married, lord, master, possessor, owner, husband, inhabitants, citizens, Baal, Baalim
Beth 0147 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Bel, Belus, Jerombalus, Hasdrubal, Malkereth, Hannibal, Jupiter, Jovis, Baal-berith, Deus fidius, Baal-Zebub, Myiagrus deus, Baal-hamon, Baal-hazor, Baal-zephon, Baal-halisha
Beth 0148 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Baal-tamar, Baalah, mistress, Bealoth, Beeliada, Baalis, Baana, Baanah, consumed with fire, brutish, feed upon, burn, kindle
Beth 0149 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Burn, consume, put away, kindled, feed upon, brutish, burning, offensive, terrify, afraid, suddenly, mire, mud, marsh, Bezai, vintage, inaccessible, strip, peel
Beth 0150 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Onions, Bezaleel, Bazlith, Bazluth, stripping, nakedness, cut to pieces, dash, break, smite, wounded, tear in pieces, plunder, cut off, plunder, defraud, finish, executes, unjust gain, lucre, flow, profit, swell, callous, dough, Bozkath, cut off, vintager, restrain, walled
Beth 0151 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Lofty, fortified, break, dig out, cut off, restrained, inaccessible, breaking, brechen, precious ore, piece, particle, Bezer, sheep-fold, Bozrah, fortress, stornghold, cutting off, bottle, bubbling, Bakbuk, Bakbukiah, Bakbakkar, Bukki
Beth 0152 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Bukkiah, clefts, fissures, breaches, cleave, rend, divide, hatched, open, rent, ripped, break open, part, half, valley
Beth 0153 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
pour out, empty, spread, divide, lay open, search, inspect, punish, inquire, examine, beeve, ox, cow, cleaving, cattle, herd, calf
Beth 0154 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Mourning, dawn, punishment, chastisement, seek, search, presence, strive, require, demand, inquire, interrogate, sought, entreaty
Beth 0155 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Son, chosen, beloved, fair, pure, clear, clean, corn, grain, fields, grandson, pit, salt, cut, carve, form, create, produce, beget, feed
Beth 0156 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Created, cut down, form, fashion, make, Berodach, Baladan, Beraiah, fowls, stew, scatter, stale, stewed, spinkled, Bered, asunder, eat, select, choose, Baruch, damask
Beth 0157 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Cyprus, lance, musical instrument, Berothah, Berothai, transfix, pierce, Birzaith, Birzoth, iron, sceptre, Barzillai, pass thru, break away
Beth 0158 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Whither, wence, from, departed, fled, away, flee, fugitive, fat, Beri, fatted, fat, creation, bar, cross-bar, bolt, Berim, Beriah
Beth 0159 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Covenant, league, cutting pieces, messenger, cleanses, salt of lye, Salsola, bend the knee, kneel
Beth 0160 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Invoke, bless, celebrate, praise, salute, greet, curse
Beth 0161 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To be blessed, adored, praise, blessing, knee, kneel, Barachel, benediction
Beth 0162 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Blessed, peace, pond, pool, Berechiah, Berechiah, murmur, grumble, peevish, disdainful, buzz, twist, firmness, strength, firm, truly, certainly, Give, Bera, lighten
Beth 0163 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Lightning, glittering sword, Barak, Barkos, Firestone, threshing stone, thunder, noise, separate, sever, cleanse, purify, search, examine
Beth 0164 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Cleanse, purify, hew, cut, cool, glad tidings, good news, reward, fragrant, balsam, aromatic odor, Basemath, fairness, beauty, ruddiness,
Beth 0165 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Tidings, flesh, bone, pudenda, cooked, boiled, seethed, seethe, ripen, baked, cook, sodden, Bishlam
Beth 0166 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Blasham, shame, confusion, disgrace, nakedness, daughter, grand-daughter, adopted-daughter, female pupl, female disciple
Beth 0167 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Daughter, stranger, Bathrabbim, Bithiah, Desolation
Beth 0163 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Blessed, peace, pond, pool, Berechiah, Berechiah, murmur, grumble, peevish, disdainful, buzz, twist, firmness, strength, firm, truly, certainly, Give, Bera, lighten
Beth 0169 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Finish, destroyed, cut, defined, Gimel, lifted up, eminent, excellent, elated, majesty, pride, haughtiness
Beth 0170 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Redemption, redeemed, majesty, grandeur, ornament, pride, haughtiness, pruod, oppressors, redeem, ransom, darkness, death-shade, blood-relatives, redeemer, kinsman, kinsmen
Beth 0172 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Locusts, pit, pen, gob, reservoir, cistern, curved, convex, cut in, dig, come forth, creep, high, lofty, tall, elevated, proud, haughty, dwelleth on high, proud, altitude, heught, majesty, grandeur, haughtiness
Beth 0172 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Pride, haughtiness, limit, border, territory, country, district, Egypt, border, margin, strong, mighty, valiant, war-chief, warrior, tyrant, strength, valour, might, power
Beth 0174 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Power, might, forehead, victory, bald, Gabbai, Gebim, baldness, curdled milk, cheese, cup, goblet, bowl, calix, queen, master, lord, consort, crystal, twist, wreathe, bound, limit, border, hill, little mountain, Gebal, Gebalene
Beth 0175 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Jebal, Syria, breast-plate, wreathed-chains, gibbous, curved, hsrink, terror, curdle, coagulate, heights, summits, Bashan, arched, kaput, capo, Geba, Gaba, Gibea, Gibeah, city on a hill
Beth 0176 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Je-bah, Gibeah, Gibeanite, calix, corolla, made strong, prevail, strengthened, proudly, insolently, a man, husband
Beth 0177 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Man, mortal, Geber, Gibbar, mighty man, hero, mistress, maid-servant, Gabriel, freeze, congeal, Gibbethon, roof, upper-part, coriander, fortune, Gad, Baal, Bel, stella Jovis, Bona Fortuna, fortune, fortunate
Beth 0178 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Pulsare (to thunder), Gidgag, Gudgodah, hew, cut, cutting, hewing, penetrate, press, fortune, fate, incisions, crowd, tear, furrow, troop, band of warriors
Beth 0179 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Great, greatness, proud, insolent, haughty, Gaddi, kid of goats, Gaddiel, she-kid, twisted threads, festoons, fringe, tassels, tomb, tumulus, to grow
Beth 0180 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
to prize, to make great, to grow, to value, to increase, greatly, to make high, magnify oneself, greatness, magnitude, majesty, magnificense, Gedaliah, Giddalti, hew trees, to fell
Beth 0181 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
mutiliated, break asunder, clipped, broken, Gideon, Gidom, Gideoni, reproach, revile, blaspheme, to wall, to build a wall, wall-around, Cadarum, Catarata, wall, wall place, enclosure, Gedor, Geder, Jedur
Beth 0182 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Enclosure, fold, sheep-fold, Gederoth, Gederothaim, Gederathite, Gederite, thrust away, cure, remove, healing, bowed, the back, cast behind, middle midst, cleave, cut, plough, ploughers
Beth 0183 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Locust, Gob, Gog, press, to crowd, rising, gibbous, lift up, exaltation, haughtiness, pride, body, pass through, pass over, fly away, bring over, quails from the sea, young bird, dove, pideon, Gozan, Gauzanitis
Beth 0184 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
People, nation, body, corpus, barbarians, foreigners, gentiles, dead body, carcass, corpse, exiles, captives, Golan, emigration, pit, to dig
Beth 0185 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To color, dye, Guni, breath out, expire, to die, to be hollow, turn aside, turn away, sojourn, dwell, foreigner, guest, neighbours, neighbors, break a channel, shaft, fear, afraid, to gather, together
Beth 0186 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Multiply strive, multiply war, suckling, whelp, cub, Maaleh-Gur, Gur-Baal, small stone, calculus, lot, inheritance, clod, lump, filthy, wool, shorn, fleece, mowing, treasurer
Beth 0187 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Cut, hew, stone, divide, Gizoh, Gizonite, mow, shear, cut, shorn, Gazez, shaven, squared, strip-off, flay, pluck, take by force, seize, strip, spoil, rob, peep, robbery, plunder, spooling, violence, plunder, injustice
Beth 0188 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Jesm, cut off, devour, locust, Gazzam, cut down, trunk, stock, stump, stem, cut in two, divide, fail, seperated, excluded, perish, calamity, destruction, decide, determine, decree, deciders, determiners, astrologers, diviners, piece, pieces, part, Gezer, desert, land tract
Beth 0189 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Eaten, cropped, naked, decree, area, enclosure, court, Gezrites, belly, Gehazi, light a fire, coal, lightning, burning coal, Gaham, flame, hide, lurk, Gahar
Beth 0190 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Hinnom, Valley of Craftsman, Valley of Passengers, Valley of salt, Zephathah, bind, tie together, gaden, gatten, nerve, sinew, break, burst, from the womb, rush forth, Giah, Gibeon, stream, river, fountain, Gihon, Cush, Araxes
Beth 0191 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Circle, revolve, exult, rejoice, tremble, fear, circuit, exultation, gladness, rejoicing, shouting, boil, effervesce, gohren, giehren,Geshan, heap of stones, ruins, fountain, spring, rolling, waves, boiling, welling, billows, bowl, reservoir, scratch, scrape, shave, barber, Gilboa
Beth 0192 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Wheel, whirlwind, chaff, stumble, wheel, Gilgal, skull, cranium, smooth, polished, skin, naked, uncover, make bare
Beth 0193 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Revealed, appear, make naked, uncover, to make known, disclose, carry away, migration, exile, Gilon, Gilonite, ball, globe, Gulloth, trunks, logs, blocks, idols
Beth 0194 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Pollute oneself with idols, covering, mantle, pallium, carrying away, captivity, exile, smooth, bare naked, bald, shaven, shorn, mirrors, tablets, plates, polished metal, circle, circuit, region, Galilee, Gallim, Goliath
Beth 0195 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Devolve unto Jehovah, commit to Jehovah, rolling waves, billows, scrolls, roll down upon an enemy, dung, ordure, circumstance, cause, reason, Galal, weight, magnitude
Beth 0196 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
great, heavy stones, dung, dungy, roll, Gilalai, wrap together, hard, sterile, barren, angry, irritated, Gilead, Gileadite, Jebel, Galeed, sit down, together
Beth 0197 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Two together, both, etiam, intensive, even, drink up, swallow, drink, bulrsh, papyrush, amputate, bold, brave, fierce, cut off, amputate, staff, rod, cubit, brave soldiers, Gamul, Act, word, deed, desert, benefit
Beth 0198 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Recompense, retribution, Gimzo, cut off, reward, render, to be good to someone, to benefit, camel, Gemalli, Gamaliel, congregate, conjoin, to perfect, to end, to fail, to cease, completed, finished
Beth 0199 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
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Beth 0200 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
To cover, protect, Ginnethon, to low, Goah, Goath, abhor, castaway, Gaal, loathing, rebuke, reprove, chide, reproof, push, thrust, shaken, quake
Beth 0201 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Shaking, earthquake, thin, puny, stagger, valleys of Gaash, Gatam, body, wing, bent, curved, arched, young, pendulous, wild vine, curved, gibbous, cover, pitch, cypress, ceder, brimstone, sulphur, sojourner, stranger, lime, whelp, Gera
Beth 0202 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Scratch, scrape, scabby, scurf, Gareb, Gurges, throat, gullet, gargle, loam, lump, clay, dwelling, Girgashite, Girgashites, grate, scratch, kratzen, kratzig, rough, excite, irritated, angry, the Wicked, contend with, rumination, cud, grain, berry, a gerah
Beth 0203 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Granule, grains, kernels, berry, throat, place, cut, separate, desert, sterile, Girzite, Gerizite, Mount Girizim, Gerizites, Jebel el-Tur, axe, hewing-stone, gritty, rough, gravelly, rough, morose, stern, grollig, grillig, harsh
Beth 0204 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Cut, keep, lay-up, reserve, gnaw, crush, devour, bone, body, ass, horse, smooth, smoothen, wipe, sweep, level, threshing floor, scaping, grating, rubbing, scratch, shave, diminish, detract, withhold
Beth 0205 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Attract, taken away, withheld, snatch, hurry, pluck, drag off, grab, gripe, grasp, grating, scraping, sawing, gargle, gurgle, ruminate, chew, cud, gathered riches
Beth 0206 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Ruminate, sawed, sweepingplunder, pillage, spoil, , Gerar, crushed, broken, pounded, drive, thrust, cast out, expel, plunder, pillage, spoil, carried off, swept away, expulsion, Gershon, Gershom, Geshur, Geshurite
Beth 0207 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Rain, pour, Geshem, body, Gashmu, Goshen, caress, stroke, flatter, bridge, feel, grope, wine press, Gath, Gittite, Gath-rimmon, stringed musical instrument
Daleth 0208 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Lips, Gether, Daleth, this, melt away, pine away, fish, languor, Doeg, fear, afraid, fearful, dread, anxiety, fly, dart, rapid, ravenous bird, bear
Daleth 0209 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Medeba, quiet, rest, softly, slowly, tap, step, treading, creep, flow, slander, evil report, wasp, bee, swarm, Deborah, sacrifice, dove dung, sanctuary, adytum, oraculum, Debir, cleave, adhere, press together, round mass, dung
Daleth 0210 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Riblah, round cakes, Diblaim, Diblathaim, cleave, adhere, glued, overtake, befall, pursue, soldering, welding, joints, row, order, lead, guide, drive, subdue, reduce, follow, behind
Daleth 0211 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Waylay, plot, destroy, order, speak, promise
Daleth 0212 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Spake, spoken, converse, subdue, verbum, lip-talk, word, discourse, precept, command, mandate, oracle, counsel, report
Daleth 0213 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Measure, manner, thing, matter, affair, daily task, cause, something, reason, destruction, death, pasture, drifts, floats, debri, Daberath, depso, honey, knead, soften, soft
Daleth 0214 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Yellow, honey, syrup, hump, Dabbasheth, fish, cover, increase, Dagon, Derceto, flag, banner, standard
Daleth 0215 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Flag, banner, standard, cover, increase, brood, sit upon, breast, pap, softly, slowly, Dedan, Daden, Dodanim, Dardani, Rodanim, Rhodians, gold, Dahi, Dehavites, dumb, stupor, astonishment, calamity, astounding, stupifying
Daleth 0217 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Dodavah, boiler, basket, loving, amatory, love-apples, languid, atropa, faint, unwell, menstruous cloth, sick at heart, unhappy, afflicted, thrust, cast away, languor, sickness, sickening, loathsomeness, bray, pound, beat, unclean bird, upupa, sumb, silent, still
Daleth 0218 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Silence, Dumah, silent, mute, quiet, trust, confidence, Damascus, rule, judge, low, depressed, humble, remaining, dwelling, judgement, wax, leap, skip, dance, look, lookout, circle, round, ball
Daleth 0219 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Generation, ages, future, posterity, dwelling, habitation, Dor, Dura, beat, bruise, dash, crush, trample, tread, trhesh, threshing
Daleth 0220 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Overthrow, knock down, push, thrust, concubine, fear, afraid, terrify, to smoke, millet, hasten, urge, impel, impelled, press, repulse, sufficiency, enough
Daleth 0221 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Abundance, multitude, possessor, lord, master, he, who, that, which, relation, King's captain, sign, conjunction, when, time, after
Daleth 0222 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Gold, Dibon, Dhiban, Diban-Gad, to fish, black vulture, rule, govern, ink stand, judge, judgeth, contend, strive, judgement, cause, wrong, guilt, wicked, right, justice
Daleth 0223 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Controversy, strife, judgement, judge, defender, advocate, Dinah, Dinaites, , watch-tower, wall, tread, thresh, antelope, Dishon, crushed, broken, dejected, afflicted, oppressed, chastise, this, hic, beaten small
Daleth 0224 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
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Daleth 0225 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Door, weak, feeble, powerless, leap, spring, door, hanging down, pliant, thread, hair, lock, slenderness, weakness, lowness, poverty, trouble, water buckets, Delaiah, Delilah, boughs, branches, pendulous, swing, wave
Daleth 0226 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Wave, fluctuate, slack, languid, feeble, enfeebled, weakness, Dilean, drop, drip, distil, shed tears, weep, Dalphon, burn, flame, inflame, hotly, kindle, hinge, valve, door
Daleth 0227 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Folding doors, gates, blood, innocent blood, blood-guiltiness, likeness, bloodshed, similitude, resemblence, likeness, resemble, beloved, roe, liken, compare, to think, to purpose, to meditate, remember
Daleth 0228 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Dumb, silent, still, destroy, destroyed, cut-off, desolation, destruction, likeness, image, model, pattern, appearance, form, shape, like, stillness, rest, struck dumb
Daleth 0229 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Rest, cease, leave off, dumb, still, , to quiet, perish, silence, stillness, dung, manure, Dimnah, Rimmon, tear, tears, collect
Daleth 0230 - Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Quick, active, alert, Damascus, cloth, silk, stuff, this, thus, melt, liquid, Dannah, Daniel, Dinhabah, murmur, knowledge, opinion
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